WorkComp Partners will provide you direction and support in managing injuries, including the following services:
- Assistance to your Injury Coordinator in integrating methods, tools and resources into your hiring practices to help you avoid “hiring a claim.”
- Assistance in setting up the right doctor for the right treatment.
- Assistance in setting up or updating current Drug Free Workplace & Safety Programs.
- A complete Return-To-Work Program with all the tools necessary to enhance your existing program.
- Supervisor training on how to manage an injured employee
- Assistance in improving your “First Report of Injury” process to include the 13-week wage statement and explain why this is so important to complete accurately.
- Our dedicated injury manager, Robin Stenger, will:
-Follow up on First Report of Injury
-Report on the status and plan of action of loss time injuries
-Negotiate Open Reserves with insurance companies’ Claims Adjusters
-Conduct ongoing communication on interventions deployed as challenges arise
-Verify accuracy of claims on the Experience Modification Worksheet
-Promulgate future Experience Modification Factors and how claims will affect the Mod -Factor

Claims Management
- Develop Injury Management Clinic for all locations
- Identify best Orthopedic Doctor for joint claims and neurologist for back.
- Diagnosis and treatment plan for all claims
- Understand that claims directly affect your bottom line
Experience Modification
- Verify 100% Accuracy
- Manage claims so that they are closed or adequate reserves at valuation date
Audit Support
- Verify that auditor’s figures balance to UCT-6 amounts
- Prepare a complete audit package for you to give to the auditor when they arrive.
- Verify that all deductions have been utilized
Policy Review and Structure
- Verification of all credits available
- Class Code Eligibility
- Net Cost Analysis
- Deductible Analysis
- Loss Sensitive Plan Analysis